Ohio Licensed Home Inspector OHI.2019007373

Purchasing a home will be one of the most important investments in your life. There are many areas of the home that a potential buyer cannot see during the brief visual walk through with a realtor or seller. It is crucial to find an experienced and thorough inspector that will have your home in their best interest.

A home inspector will assure that all areas of the home are safe and ready for you and your family.

A home inspector will also recommend preventive measures in keeping your home in tip top shape for years to come.

A thorough home inspection will let a prospective buyer know in advance the safety and quality of the home.

A thorough, friendly, experienced, and professional home inspector will walk you through the prospective home explaining the positive and negative findings of the home.
I will commit to sharing all my knowledge and experience in helping you become well-informed in the home you are going to purchase.
Ohio Licensed Home Inspector OHI.2019007373. Nachi07081501.
“It was indeed a pleasure to have a professional like Bill Harris Home Inspections support us in the final stages of our three sequential home selection processes. The first two served to ward my wife and I off of each choice due to disclosures of several critical issues with each of the respective properties. Bill Harris is personable, knowl-edgeable, and very thorough. He was quick to follow up each inspection with a detailed report containing pointed remarks to issues that needed to be addressed. Inserted pictures in the reports guided us in thoroughly understanding the issues presented and serve as a ready reference as we address items specific to the property we eventually chose.”
Johnny Hembree
Three time customer
HARRIS HOME INSPECTIONS, LLC.Ohio Owned and operated since 2007, Harris Home Inspections has proudly been serving the Athens County area.
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